*** We are Now Open for 1-1 Personal Fitness and Group Training ***

Leanne Graff

Author: EMF Fitness |

EMF is what a GYM should be!

In January my sister invited me to join her Dragon Boat Team at EMF for dryland training. I thought why not, I consider myself “fit” as I run 5k 3-4 times a week, I can do this.

From the first time I walked through the doors at EMF I immediately realized this was not just a gym, this was a community. It was a Tuesday night, Eric was the trainer and I quickly realized I may be a runner but I am not strong.

I decided to attend Muscle Church on Sunday, Jarod was the trainer, and it was a completely different workout where I realized that my running was not helping my anaerobic system at all. I got my butt handed to me, in a good way, at both workouts.

Then enter COVID and the dreadful COVID 15 (pounds).

We were able to return to the gym in July. I was anxious to see if I could get rid of these 15 pounds as they were weighing me down, physically, emotionally & mentally. I talked with Eric, Jarod & Annette all who offered me advice on where to start, little changes to make, that can help me achieve my health & fitness goals. Accountability & Consistency is key!

Fast forward to today! I have not only lost 12 pounds, this cardio junkie loves to lift! I am currently training to compete in next year’s FemSport Competition with the EMF Iron Maidens as well as the Reservoir Dolls Dragon Boat Team.

Being healthy & fit isn’t a fad or a trend it is a lifestyle that I want to pass on to my kids. EMF is the place to give you those tools to help you believe you can!

The EMF trainers have different training styles but a common goal and desire to help YOU be the best healthiest YOU!

Thank you to the EMF team for supporting me in my health & fitness journey! I have never felt stronger and I cannot wait to see what comes next.

